The Baraboo River is a DNR designated State Water Trail.

Friends of the Baraboo River

Paddler Safety Tips


Paddler Safety Tips ~

by Seth Taft

The Baraboo River, flowing majestically through some of the most scenic parts of the Driftless Region in Wisconsin, is a hidden gem for paddling enthusiasts. Its beauty, meandering paths, and relatively calm waters make it an ideal spot for both novice and experienced paddlers. However, as with any water adventure, safety should always be a top priority. Here’s a comprehensive guide to enjoying the Baraboo River while ensuring your experience is both exhilarating and safe.

A Scenic Journey

The Baraboo River stretches over 120 miles, offering a variety of landscapes. From lush forests and rolling hills to charming small towns, the river provides a diverse and picturesque backdrop. As you paddle, you’ll encounter an array of wildlife that include the likes of deer, eagles, and herons. The river's gentle current allows for a relaxed pace, giving you ample time to soak in the natural beauty. That being said, there are some important reminders to help you prepare for your serendipitous paddle on the water.

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Early Spring Paddle

by Jeff Seering

Birds were the stars of the trip. I saw dozens and dozens of wood ducks, including several brightly colored drakes. Wood ducks like the Baraboo River but I’ve never seen so many on a trip before. They are skittish and usually fly ahead before you get real close to them. Noisy Canada geese also were part of the trip, noisily honking as I approached them. Their honks often set off nearby out of sight sandhill cranes to join the cacophony of sounds. While I heard a lot of cranes I only saw a few flying and a few along the river banks.

READ the rest of Jeff’s story by CLICKING HERE.

Paddling on the Baraboo River. It’s never the same twice and always a scenic treasure.

photos by Jeff Seering

photo by Demi Laskaris

“Kayaking down the Baraboo River can be one of the most peaceful experiences one can have. The sound of the water gently moved by the paddle, the gentle breeze on your face, and the sights and sounds of nature surrounding you can transport you to an entirely different world. As you navigate through the twists and turns of the Baraboo River, your senses come alive with the sense of adventure and exploration. The peace and solitude that come with kayaking down the river can be a welcome break from the daily hustle and bustle of life. There truly is nothing quite like the joy of kayaking down the Baraboo River.”

~Jeff Seering

“Paddling down the ‘Boo’ with friends is a grand experience!”

Photos: copyright Seth Taft, used with permission